torek, 27. avgust 2019


In this post we will represent you top 10 things in our oppinion that you must see when you came to visit Ljubljana. In the end we add a few more spots and we also made only for you a special map of all the things described in this post. All things are of course free!

In city centre you can find:
1. Prešeren's square
It's a main square in Ljubljana and it's called after Slovenian national poem France Prešeren. On the eastern side of a square you can find a bronze statue of him and his muse.

Statue of France Prešeren and his muse

Prešeren's Square at winter
2. Tripple bridge
Right next to Prešeren's square you will find tripple bridge. Why 3 bridges right next to each other? If you will be in Ljubljana before 2007 it will be logically. The middle bridge was for traffic and the side two for pedestrians as you can see on the picture below. Today city center is closed for all trafic so you can walk wherever you want. 

Before / after (photo by Mestna občina Ljubljana)
Tripple bridge

Prešeren's Square in Christmas time

View on Ljubljana castle from Tripple bridge
3. Skyscraper 
The Skyscraper is located on Slovenska cesta. There is a bar at the top so you can enjoy a drink and great view. They're not mad if you just take some pictures, but also you have to be kind.

View from Skyscraper on city center - August daily edition
View from Skyscraper on city center - December night edition

4. Area right next to Ljubljanica river

Area betwen Šentjakob bidge and New square (Novi trg) is one of best parts in Ljubljana. We recommend that you go to the left side of the Ljubljanica river called Breg (the bank).

Gallus embankment and Ljubljana castle in the background

Those pictures were taken from Breg. At Breg you can find every Sunday morning a flee market

Buildings on the Gallus embankment

5. Trubar road
Picefull street where you can find a lot of graphits. There are also tiny shops and some bars. If you like 'secret' streets we certainly recomment visit.

6. Old Ljubljana
Old part of Ljubljana is our best part of city. Best way to dicsover it is that you go from Mestni trg (City square), where you can find Town Hall and Robb well, against Old square and then continue on towards Gornji trg (Upper square).

Robb well
Town Hall

Christmas concert in front of Town Hall

On your way you will find a lot od tiny shops with souvenirs. There you can find also a lot of slovenian products.

7. Ljubljana Castle

Ljubljana castle

On Ljubljana castle you can go in many different paths by walk. Our favourite is that one:

From the Old Square (Stari trg), turn into a narrow alley called ulica Reber, whose steps wind there way between the houses, gradually ascending towards the castle. After another 150 metres, turn left into the path Mačja steza, which will take you to the walls of the Ljubljana Castle in just a few minutes.

Check out a map in the end of this post.

A little tunell on the way to Ljubljana castle. 

If you cant walk you can chose other options.


Same view

Summer vs. Winter

View on city center from Ljubljana castle

View point

View from our best path to Ljubljana castle. You can find the exact location where this photo was taken on the map at the end of the this post. 

8. Park Tivoli
It is only 10 minutes of walking away from city center. The easiest way to get there from center (Prešeren Square) is that first you go along Čop street, across Slovenska cesta, than you go along Cankarjeva cesta, pass Opera House, National Gallery and Modern Gallery. When you go past the underpass you are already initially at Jakopič promenade (Jakopičevo sprehajališče). 

Jakopičevo sprehajališče

Jakopičevo sprehajaličše - snow edition

As you can see on the picture there are left and right different pictures. So there in an outside gallery. 

Tivoli Castle

In the end of Jakopič promenade you will find Tivoli castle. From there is really nice view on the Jakopič promenade. 

View from Tivoli castle


Park Tivoli is beautiful in all seasons. There is a lot of path and benches. We suggest you to bring a blanket and sit down on the grass.

Flower bed with perennials - Spring
Flower bed with perennials - Fall

In Park Tivoli you can also find a roses collection. They bloom from the end of May all until September. I really recommend you visit, because they are very beautiful and they smell soo nice. 
Roses colection at June
Roses colection at June

Roses collection at winter

Lake at winter 
Lake at summer

Cekin castle

On the other side of park Tivoli is located Cekin castle (Cekinov grad). Inside you can find National Museum of Contemporary History. 

9. Rožnik 
If you like an easy hike than you should go on Rožnik. On the top is a lovely pink church and a restaurant. At 30 th of April there is a big celebration called Kresovanje. There is a big bonfire in front of church. 

Church of Mary's Visitation on Rožnik

There are many roads and paths around the Rožnik and Tivoli where you can walk or run.

10. Botanical garden
Visit of outside of Botanical garden is free. If you wanna see also tropical glasshouse you have to pay.


Tropical glasshouse
Tropical glasshouse

That was top 10 free things in Ljubljana. Here you have some more nice locations, which you should visit.

Trnovski pristan

This spot in specialy perfect for hot summer days. There you can also bring some food for snack or maybe read a book.

Plečnik's church

Close you can also find Plečnik's Church St. Janeza Krstnika. Jože Plečnik was Slovenian arhitect. Many people says that Plečnik was for Ljubljana, what was Gaudi for Barcelona.
Close to church you can also visit Plečnik's house, where is today a museum.

Križevniška ulica (Kniževnik street)

This street is full of greenery and if you catch also church in the background you can get a perfect instagram photo.

National and University Library

Another 'instagram friendy' street it is called Židovska steza.

Šuštarski most (Shoemaker bridge)
Kongresni trg ( Congress Square)
Mesarski most (Butcher's Bridge)

Dragon on the Dragon bridge
Dragon bridge

So that is it for this post. We hope that you will come to visit Ljubljana.


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All photos in this post (except one) were taken by us.
This post isn't sponsored.

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